Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting right for the All White Party!

I am still working to get to my goal weight which is 125 lbs with that said I have 7 more pounds to go before I start to feel comfortable.

 I have an all white party I am going to at the end of the month. It is a very exclusive party hosted  at the mansion of someone who is somebody so I need to work extra hard to shed the extra pounds. Flab in all white for me is not the look! Not sure what I will be wearing yet but I do not want my weight to limit my options.

I went to the gym today and got it in. I started with cardio as usual and got on the elliptical for 30 minutes. The additional 30 minutes was spent toning.

For my thighs:
Abductor machine - 5 sets of 10 @ 40lbs 2 sets of 10 @ 60lbs (works outer hip and thighs)
Leg Press - 4 sets of 10 @ 80lbs then 6 sets of 10 @ 100lbs (works quads, hamstrings and gluts)

For my arms:
I used 7.5lb weights to work my biceps and triceps. Through out the routine I switched to 12lb weights for more resistance.

For my abs:
I did over a 100 crunches and worked my obliques doing the bicycle (floor exercise)

Tomorrow I have to start to change things up and break my usual routines in the gym so my body doesn't get comfortable doing the same exercises. I also have to place more restrictions on my diet.

White party here I come!

1 comment:

  1. and me both. I am going to have to make sure I stay focused in NY because when I get back the party is THAT weekend. No time to shed a few pounds.
